Opening Hour

Mon - Fri, 8:00am - 06:00pm

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About Us


The DGTHARA Group currently consists of two entities :

  • The DGTHARA Group is an Emirati company in the heart of Dubai's business bay business center
    Médé Emmanuel DAGO founder of A2i Group (Médé Investment Group) and Mr. Gnalabeka-Moi Patrocle are the co-founders of the DGTHARA Group.

    They have more than ten (10) years of experience in trading and more than four (04) years in the intermediation of petroleum products trading. The DGTHARA Group is a reliable partner. Building on the expertise and experience of its co-founders

    The activities of the DGTHARA Group are organized around two major poles :
    1. Trading of oil and gas products in sub-Saharan Africa, the Middle East and Asia. This activity is carried out under the license DGTHARA OIL TRADING LLC
    2. General trading and mainly food products (sugar, rice and oils). This activity is conducted under the license DGTHARA GENERAL TRADING LLC.

    Our operations comply with the laws of the countries in which we operate.
    Our ambition is to build an international Emirian and African group with global headquarters in DUBAI in the United Arab Emirates, working in the following areas :

  • Oil & Gas, Petrochimical
  • Mining & Energy
  • Shipping and Chartering
  • development infrastructures
  • We are building a lasting bridge between the Middle East and Africa both in private-to-private relationships and in public-private partnerships (PPP).


    DGTHARA is :

  • About twenty customers on :
  • - Africa
    (Niger, Congo, Togo, Sénégal, Mali, Chad, Djibouti, Central African Republic, Guinea, Mozambique, Ghana, Liberia, Burundi, Burkina Faso)

    - Other export and import areas
    (Dubai, Thailand, Vietnam, Laos, China ).

    A team of experienced managers at your service
    Médé Emmanuel DAGO
    Chairman and CEO - Partner
    Patrocle GNALABEKA-MOI
    Deputy Managing Director in charge of Commercial Affairs - Partner
    Francis BONVOUKA
    Manager Director of Project Development and Execution
    Juliette SAMA Epse DAGO
    Administrative & Financial Director
    Hajar DIAL
    Deputy Director of Development and Public Relations
    Jamal CHEBBI
    Business Development Consultant
    Nidal AL KHOULY
    DGTHARA operates in three (03) major geographical areas :

    Go to the contact page for our complete contact details !


    The DGTHARA Group is built around four (04) core values inherited from the A2i Group (Médé Investment Group).
    On a daily basis, these values guide us in the pursuit of our ambition to become a major bridge between the Middle East, Asia and Africa.

    Customer Proximity :
    We listen to our customers in order to offer them the solutions best suited to their challenges.
    We are available at any time to accompany you and satisfy your request.

    Flexibility :
    Close to our customers, we have learned to adapt to changes in their working environment in order to offer them appropriate solutions.
    We remain attentive and adapt to the international trading business to best support our clients in their transformation.

    Reactivity :
    Manage the unpredictable, temporarily absorb a large volume of activity, make up for an absence :
    we implement our professionalism, competence and experience, in order to guarantee you a compliant and quality response as soon as possible.

    Integrity :
    Success is our will, being a leader is our goal, but not at all costs.
    The development of our group can only be envisaged in probity, ethics, responsibility and integrity.


    Our commitment : to provide quality service

    As part of a continuous improvement process, the DGTHARA Group places its expertise at the service of its customers' satisfaction.

    In order to maintain an optimal level of competitiveness, DGTHARA, deploys a Quality Management System (QMS) to ensure a constant level of performance.
    The latter is based on several parameters :

    • Active listening to the customer’s expectations and needs ;
    • Controlled business and financial objectives ;
    • Compliance with regulatory requirements and other standards and certifications applicable to the company's activity ;
    • Strong and unifying internal communication around a common vision and values ;
    • The curative and preventive treatment of any existing or potential dysfunction ;
    • Regular measurement of quality of service through satisfaction surveys ;
    • Proficiency in special shipment procedures

    I urge all of our Group's teammates to respect the quality requirements and the commitments to which we have all subscribed.